Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Opposition is critical !!

 Opposing one another is nothing new in today’s world and opposing happens in every single field:

(a)   Husband opposes wife and vice versa

(b)   Coach opposes players

(c)    Manager opposes workers

(d)   People oppose government

(e)   Home maker opposes maid 

(f)     Traffic inspector opposes Violators

People have a wrong impression about ‘Opposing’, so before I get into actual examples I would like to come up with a silly example of a conversation between husband and wife in today’s world. 

 Mitta Mirasu[Husband]: What are you going to make for breakfast?

Neelambari[Wife]: Cereal is in the shelf and milk is in the fridge ..so help yourself


Mitta Mirasu: It’s Sunday ..why can’t you make Poori and potato curry?

Neelambari: Its Sunday for you ..not for me ..every day I have been toiling in the kitchen and no holiday for us


Mitta Mirasu: Stop your cliché dialogues ..you have been spoilt by mega serials ..see our neighbor Swapna ..she makes yummy dishes and there is always nice smell emanating from their chimney …my colleague’s wife Anitha prepares awesome dishes and my colleague always open his tiffin box with pride ……

Neelambari:  How dare you compare me with our neighbor Swapna ? Her husband is like a swiggy employee who often buys food from outside ….I heard through our maid that her husband bought her a chain with peacock pendant for their anniversary and this is on top of the lotus pendant she had before ….Don’t even talk to me about Anitha ..She couldn’t even smile at me at the birthday party last week and she is full of attitude because she owns a Business and the food coming from her house is always cooked by her Maid Amutha who happens to be our maid’s first cousin

 Mitta Mirasu: Amma swamy ..I don’t want your Poori …..even upma will do ..sorry I will have bread and Jam …..

Neelambari: We can have Poori but need help from you. Boil the potatoes, peel the skin and smash it; Take two cups of wheat flour, some salt and add water and prepare the dough. Finally add some oil and knead lightly to smoothen the ball.

Mitta Mirasu: Follows all the instructions and finally family is able to enjoy awesome pooris by collective effort.

 Bottom line opposing or healthy arguments between two parties brings the best of results as the conversations give room for more productive results. Now that I have gone through the silly example let’s get into business by real world examples.


  Issue No.1: Central Government of India refuses to procure Covid Vaccines on

  Behalf of the states and tells state governments to procure Vaccine themselves


       What happened next: State governments started to raise global tenders to procure  

       vaccines and realized there were no takers; Kerala Chief Minister Pinrayi wrote a  

       letter to all Non BJP states chief ministers that they should get their act together

       and pressurize central government to procure vaccines. Supreme Court got involved

       and questioned Central government on rationale behind spending 35000 crore

       rupees allocated for vaccines and asked explanation by a certain date. This is when

       Central government intervened and suddenly announced vaccine rollout plan

       Thereby taking responsibility of vaccine distribution to states. So opposition from 

       the states was the key on determining the final outcome which turned out to be the

       best solution.


Issue No.2:  India Backs out of RCEP agreement after opposition from Congress

 What happened next: Let me go over RCEP (Regional Economic Comprehensive Partnership)  .      RCEP is one of those Free Trade agreements covering almost one third of global population and  includes members like China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Newzealand and 10 members of the  South east Asian nations (ASEAN). India was about to sign RCEP but Congress  opposed it          citing that Indian farmers and MSME sector had genuine unaddressed concerns on Circumvention on rules of origin to dump chinese goods due to reduced customs  duty thereby increase the massive trade deficit. Finally India backed out and BJP said decision was taken considering national interests. 

Issue No.3: Jallikattu protest that shook the entire Nation

What happened next: No one in the wildest of dreams would have expected such a protest in Marina Beach ..what started as a small protest gained momentum and slowly but surely became mother of all protestsThe chief  motivation of the protest was against the Supreme court's order to ban Jallikattu which is traditionally a bull taming sport held during Pongal season. One of the demands was to declare  an ordinance to remove Bulls from list of performing animals as per the PCA (Prevention of cruelty to Animals) act. Protests were so huge and literally attracted entire nation and finally Tamil nadu government passed a bill that overturned the supreme court ban on bull taming sport Jallikattu. 
      Above examples show when you oppose with substance you yield results. I am sure many may think the word 'Oppose' may not be morally correct instead terms like healthy conversations can be used to bring out the desired results. See I am a person who call a spade a spade and sometimes reality takes precedence over diplomacy. It would be absolutely foolish to Oppose for every damn thing but when you see something wrong and have gathered enough proof to defend your stance then I would definitely oppose no matter who the other person is. Eight out of ten times when someone is opposed the party who is being opposed look into 'Who' is opposing rather than 'What' he is being opposed for. If you look into any leader (can be Career or Non profit organization) one who handles opposition in a matured manner is the one who will be able to survive and sustain his role. Opposition plays a vital role in a democracy and for a Ruling party to offer best governance and not take things for granted we need a good opposition party. 

Next Blog: Apples vs Oranges 

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