Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Don't forget the Roots !!

    I wanted to pen this blog after observing many different conversations from many different people from all walks of life. It is something which saddens me that people very easily forget their roots. Optimism is important but it should not be at the cost of something. I just wanted to point out how people forget that they came from India after sitting in wealthiest country in the world counting dollar notes.

   In 1980’s and 1990’s the number of Indians migrated to USA was less compared to these days where we see good number of Indians in all parts of the country. As the number increases automatically number of Indian temples, Indian stores are on the rise. With that we also try to bridge the culture as much as possible to pass the rich tradition to the next generation. Example – things like mango leaves, jasmine flower or plantain leaf may be impossible or very expensive stuff in those days which is all very accessible these days. People are basically born, brought up and had all their schooling and college back in India and they have come during their earlier twenties and kind of settled down here in USA. Now with their next generation people try to promote culture and tradition which is praiseworthy. But the problem starts when they say “Ippo ellam India la kuda pilaingalaam epadi ellam paadaadhu” (Meaning: Nowadays in India we don’t get to see kids sing like this); According to me this is completely unwanted. They can be happy that kids are doing a good job here but why unnecessarily they drag India into picture even if what they say is true. Have they seen all kids not sing in India? Mother India nurtures an individual, teaches basic principles, provides education and once people inherit everything they migrate to a foreign nation and harvests everything in an alien land and starts to bad mouth their own country though their passport would say something different.

    Some religious events are so authentic back home and people do not customize per their preference. Things have been changing in India but India cannot become USA and USA cannot become India. Saying we are good is just enough versus saying others are bad. What people must acknowledge is they cannot get best of both the worlds – let us be happy of what we do here as well as learn to respect our nest - ‘India’ 

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