Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hmmm ...Expectation - Is it good ?

      Assume it is a Monday morning and at 6.30 alarm starts shouting good enough for you to come out of bed; You get ready to go to work and you just realized your better half hasn’t ironed your shirt as she promised previous day evening since you had to entertain the guests over the weekend. So it’s a small piece of incident happened against your expectations. Now you drive your car to work and as a courtesy you gave enough time for the pedestrians to cross over the road at the cost of you missing a traffic signal. Though you did out of your own interest still you kinda expected a gentle Thank you by means of waving the hand from atleast one of the string of people walking across the road. So once again a small piece of incident happened against your expectations. At work let us assume after an intriguing brainstorming session you go for your lunch and on your way realized that you forgot your car keys inside the conference room. Upon rushing back to the conference room you are shocked not to see the keys but glad to know that keys are kept at your desk by your colleague. Instead of thanking your colleague your reaction is “Why did my colleague not inform me right away rather than coming to know from HR” ? Again things happen against your expectations. Finally after an exhaustive day at work you return home and expect your kids to carry out the daily errands like checking the mailbox and emptying the trash bins. Again things go against your expectation and you are left pondering over all the small incidents that took place over the course of the day.

     So expecting something to happen and when reality is other way round it turns out to be disappointment.  Expecting is ‘Conditional’ and not expecting anything is ‘Unconditional’ and that is why they say mother’s love is always unconditional in nature. As we move on in life the less we expect from it and just follow the principle of taking things as they come will make us at peace. If a day without expectations can avoid disappointments don’t you agree life without expectations will make you more merrier.

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