Friday, February 3, 2012

Reality Shows ....

Reality shows have become so popular these days that every television is trying to come up with creative shows on prime times. By having more Reality shows they are bringing in the actual public and giving them the opportunity to exhibit their talents. This in turn draws lot of people because everyone wants to exhibit their talents on the bigger stage. Television wants to cash on this by having public votes and other gimmicks to have public watch these programs to spawn more revenues. There are both good and bad things about these and goods things first – gives the common man to showcase his/her talents, opens doors to get into something big like opportunities to sing in Tamil movie, gives a chance to meet bigwigs which they have always admired etc.,

I am at times not comfortable with the way television paint the whole picture. Anchors saying time and again “40 lakhs to win a big home”, “Opportunity to sing under so and so” etc., concerns me as I believe this is where it gets diluted. No matter one is a chain smoker but the very first time when he took a puff that’s where it all started; same in the case of a drinker the very first time he took a sip that’s where it got started. So I believe there is a chance that these big prizes and alluring package can make things diluted and one starts to chase money and eminence losing sight of the actual passion. Channels they got to make a program really interesting by making more eyes watch the program so they will go to the extent of adding lot of commercial elements and as participants people especially kids and youth have to be matured enough to handle.

I am sure the parents will take care of the kids but this is kind of drug which is injected into everyone’s body – they have been normal citizens so far and all of a sudden name and fame made them popular overnight. They are recognized everywhere they go and they are centre of attraction everywhere. When they enjoy this period and suddenly face a downward slope if people are matured enough then they will take it sportively else they will really be thrown aback since they could not accept the sudden change that ensued to them.

But Reality shows are good because new talents are identified and recognized. Just that people have to be careful in handling name and fame. A kid who is 10 years old may not even know how many zeros are there for 40 lakhs. As always good and bad are there in every damn thing and we have to pick and choose – ‘Eat the fruit and throw the seed because seeds are hidden inside the fruit”

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