Friday, June 20, 2014

Good at Heart .....

       I often wonder two ingredients to lead a successful life are hard work and faith in god. But upon time I am realizing being good at heart is also one of the factors to lead a happy life. 'Hard work' is like a last name for most of us in this era where all of us do good justice. Temple and prayers are becoming part of everyone's social life and the amount of activities I see in temple these days makes me wonder everyone is spending good amount of time and money on temple activities. People believe in positive vibration by stepping into temple's premises and spreading love and positivity in the air by surrendering oneself to almighty and also by committing oneself to volunteer activities in temple which is growing manifold these days. But still there is something which does not make us feel happy? Thats where the third factor comes into picture.

        Being good at heart doesn't necessarily stop with one thing. There are way too many things in which one can be good at heart. Helping poor and needy, volunteering for the betterment of society and community, appreciating or even at times encouraging your peers, most importantly being thankful for what you possess all count towards being good at heart. In this cut throat world being jealous comes to you even without you realizing it, something like bed bug but we got to watch out for this and somehow convert this thought of jealousness to being competitive. At times we may have to accept defeat with our counterparts which is part and parcel of the system. Being a sport and having a positive attitude may help us on a longer run.

       World needs to be a better place. We got to spread positive fragrance to our near and dear ones. Everyone's life is different but one thing that binds all of us together is love and affection. After all no one is going to measure someone by the amount of villas and luxury cars they own at the time they bid adieu to the world but instead everyone will talk about the person's humanity. Its just one life ...lets crack some silly jokes and enjoy life to the fullest by not just making yourself happy but also surrounding you they say smile is a curve that straightens everything. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How one bad experience can ruin your day !!!

    We live in a modern era where Time is everything and not just money. Things move at 100 MPH and at times we don’t have time to do our mundane tasks. We just run behind the clock. While we try to manage our work-life balance there are some occasions which would totally piss you off and pretty much spoil your mood and your day. This could be so very frustrating since there could very well be a need where your attention is very much needed.

   Things go especially bad if we had to deal with any of the frustrating experience in the morning – a bad commute due to horrible traffic on your way to office, a lengthy call with your customer service representative which did not add any value, badly trying to reach someone who is not picking up the call etc., The worse thing is if its not your day then anything and everything goes for a toss and you may even just want the day to end without having the energy to bear any more.

   I believe the focus has to be the bigger picture rather than worrying about small pitfalls. Rather than having your day getting ruined by petty incidents I believe we should have all our thoughts and actions aligned towards the goals we want to accomplish. This is easily said than done but that’s where we learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat the same mistake over and over again.

   May be few mind games can do the trick? Or even game of Suduko? Something intriguing for our mind to keep up our focus and ultimately making us more productive.